I can relate to the piano story in this chapter. I remember the frustration of not knowing what a new piece of music was supposed to sound like because what I was practicing sounded mechanical and full of mistakes. Then there would be a "breakthrough." After enough practice, I understood the music and as I became more familiar with the song, I moved beyond the technical aspects and into "expression." I hated practicing. I wanted to quit so many times. I would have quit but my mom wouldn't let me and today I'm so glad. The author directs us to Hebrews 12 which encourages us to stay the course. "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus" (page 50). Perseverance is not easy, but God perfects His work in us through it. We are told to fix our eyes on Jesus, not on the race, not the running shoes, not on who's running near us. Our eyes are to be on just Jesus (page 53). Do you have distractions in your race? What can you practice that will help you fix your eyes on Jesus?
Another hard topic: Hard can be holy. If you're like me, you're wondering if there's a shortcut. Consider athletes training for the Olympics, they train hard. Athletes will not get gold medal results if they just take it easy. "The hard thing you and I are called to do today is not the jobs we do, the places we go, or the people we must love; it is first and foremost the hard work of turning our affections from self to Savior. What at first feels so hard and against our nature becomes welcomed and desired" (page 58). Do you have examples about growing closer to Jesus through hardships or through obedience?