Why is rest so hard for some of us? I've been looking forward to this chapter because I LIKE THIS title! Sounds appealing, doesn't it? I love the idea of rest, and I love to be productive. On page 196 we come upon the story of Mary and Martha, and those of us like Martha empathize when there's so much to do. Thank goodness, we are reminded that "it's not the 'doing' that is the issue but what drives our faithfulness" (page 199). I love this part: "When we see how much we're provided for in in Christ, we can be fruitful for His glory because He's fruitful in us, and we can rest because His rest is productive." It's not that work is bad, rather we need to be fueled by rest in the Lord. Ponder the bullet points at the bottom of page 199. Friend, take time to rest in Him.
There is a game called "Would You Rather" which asks the players to make a choice between two things. Would you rather make mud bricks all day long to build an Egyptian structure or be led around by the presence of God in the wilderness? I confess, it sounds just slightly more appealing to stay in one place and get a building project done, than to wander around not knowing where I'm going or what I'm supposed to do. Is it because I'm more of a city girl than a country girl? Is it because I like construction more than camping? Is it because I'm wired more like a Martha than a Mary? He invites us to rest in Him and to be a part of His Kingdom (page 207). The bottom line is we were born as brick-making slaves to sin and now we are freed children through the work Jesus already finished. Spend time with Him. Stop idolizing productivity and performance. Stop. Making. Bricks. (I'm saying this to myself!)