Words. You are reading them right now. God spoke, "Let there be light," and created the world just by words. Jesus is called the Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). The Bible is the Word of God. Words are powerful. They can be used for good and evil. How often do I consider Jesus in my words? Maybe when I'm writing or singing... but not so much when I'm talking. The author encourages us on page 133 not to feel condemned, instead "behold the goodness and glory of God anew, and come under God's power to supernaturally transform your words and thoughts". One of the ladies in our Thursday group shared how she uses the painted artwork between the chapters as her homework (for example see pages 134-135). "Hold your tongue. Choose words of life. Affirm someone. Hide God's Word in your heart." Let's do it.
I had a friend complain that an older family member would speak so bluntly that it would often offend her. I joked that I have special accommodation (my "bucket of grace") for people over 65 so they can say anything without offending me and when I'm of age, I'm also going to stop filtering my words and say whatever is on my mind. I think of this because I assume when I am older, I will be losing my faculties and with less years left to live, I won't care what others think. Oppositely, the author points out on page 141 that, "The hallmark of a mature Christian is that he or she knows how to speak when it's costly, to remain silent when there's freedom to speak, and to discern what is best for the glory of God." I'll make a deal... I will work on this, but please still have a bucket of grace for me when I grow older OK?